Collection: Construction/Building

Children move through stages of block/construction play, usually in a similar order, but not always at the same age. 

Stage 1: Carrying, Transferring and pre building

Stage 2: Stacking, lining up, towers, knocking over, repetition

Stage 3: Bridges and tunnels

Stage 4: Enclosures

Stage 5: Symmetry and Patterns

Stage 6: Early representations, naming structures

Stage 7: Complex construction with more details and features.

Block play offers opportunities to build social connections and understandings, to enhance learning dispositions and it build resilience (when the tower falls over, we build it back up and it's okay). Through block play children can explore math and science concepts, expand vocabulary and explore imagination. 

Block and construction play can be enhanced with open ended materials, loose parts and the offer of animals, people, scenery to enhance thinking. 

More variety coming soon....